Tag Archives: Grey Gardens

2009 Emmys

Right then, let’s jump on into it. Ok, ok so I know this is a movie blog but since I am currently watching the Emmys, I feel like we should talk about this just a little. Am I right? So bear with me for this one.  After all, there was a category for TV movies. Jessica Lange won Outstanding Lead Actress in a Made for TV Movie for “Grey Gardens”. I’ve never watched this movie but I’m going to at some point this week because all this talk about it has piqued my interest. Drew Barrymore was also nominated for the same award in the same movie but looked thrilled to see the award go to her co-star.

Toni Collete won Best Actress in a Comedy Series for “The United States of Tara”, which is written by Diablo Cody (Oscar winning writer of “Juno” and the upcoming “Jennifer’s Body’) and produced by Stephen Spielberg. I’ll be honest, I haven’t watched that either but I’m getting season 1 so I can watch that right after Grey Gardens since Cody’s writing is so brilliant. Although, I have to be honest, “Jennifer’s Body” does not look promising. Probably because Megan Fox is in it. Cody was quite pleased as she anounced on her twitter account, “How did this weekend suddenly get totally f***ing awesome?” within minutes of Collette’s win.

Sarah Silverman was up for the same category for her show “The Sarah Silverman Program”. While she lost, she made everyone laugh out loud when the camera panned over to her looking like this:


 Interestingly, she and Collette were both featured in Newsweek’s Emmy Roundtable discussion. Silverman said “what if when we’re announced, we all put on mustaches, so when they cut to us, we’re all really serious.” Collette said she would do it but appeared mustache-less at the awards show. Amy Pohler said “That would be the kind of thing where I’d bring all the mustaches, and I’d be the only one to do it.” She too appeared mustache-less. Tisk, tisk ladies. Sarah Silverman pulled it off well though.

Aside from that, 30 Rock and Mad Men won like every other award. All I want to say is where’s the love for Flight of the Conchords?

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